Social media is a funny thing.
I started blogging for my business, and blogging really is the reason my biz has grown. I had hoped it would increase my “virtual thumbprint,” but I never thought blogging would end up bringing me friends.
It did.
And here are just a few who have wanted to be involved with the Small Things Week of Giveaways…
Emmy from Much Ado About You is giving away a one of her famous Day Planners AND a Desk Calendar…
One of the things I love most about Much Ado About you is Emmy’s heart. We had only met briefly at Café Rio (looking back, it was totally God) and she ended up coming to my house multiple times while my mom was dying, for encouragement and company. AND she let me come to her Choose Joy women’s conference with one day’s notice right after my mom died and had prepared everything like I had registered a month before.
Seriously folks, I’m crying as I type this, because it meant so much to me.
Small things are big things, friends!
Connect with Emmy aka Much Ado About You:
Shop – Much Ado About You
Much Ado About You on Facebook
Much Ado About You on Twitter
Much Ado About you on Instagram
Much Ado About You on Pinterest
You should really take some time to read Emmy’s Adoption Story here.
Andrea from The Train to Crazy is giving away a a $20 gift card to her shop, Go To Patterns. Don’t be sad if you don’t win. You can still get 20% off with the coupon code BIGTHINGS. (20% off a purchase of $10 or more. Expires 6/30)
Andrea was the first person I met with 4 kids who had it together. She may not agree, but I had just had Tess 3 weeks prior to meeting her at the So Cal Social and I was a mess! She was out and about without kids and it was a light at the end of the tunnel for me.
AND she made the most adorable treats for the nurses who were taking care of my mom. I remember feeling so alone when Andrea offered to make goodies. I picked them up from her house, and the care she put into each one brought me to tears.
Still does.
Read about it here and make some treats for nurses who have impacted your life.
Small things are big things, friends!
If you sew, you will love her shop Go To Patterns! I bought this Summer’s Sun & Surf Collection because I fell in love with the skirt pattern. I still haven’t made it. But I know I will. Someday. And I’ll blog about it!
Connect with Andrea aka The Train to Crazy:
Blog – The Train to Crazy
Shop – Go To Patterns
Go To Patterns on Twitter
Go To Patterns on Facebook
Go To Patterns on Pinterest
Need a rad press kit? Andrea makes those too!
Elizabeth from Sew Chatty is giving away one of her adorable handmade clutches.
I invited Elizabeth to a party at my house (after only knowing her on Instagram) and after all the guests left the party we talked together for 2 more hours! She’s talented and upbeat and I look forward to her positive attitude whenever we hang out!
Small things are big things!
Connect with Elizabeth aka Sew Chatty:
Blog – Sew Chatty
Shop – Sew Chatty
Sew Chatty on Twitter
Sew Chatty on Facebook
Sew Chatty on Pinterest
Sew Chatty on Instagram
So there will be 3 winners! First winner will get the first choice, second will get next pick, and third will get the 3rd awesome prize! Follow the directions in the box below and Good Luck!!
Disclosure, yo: These lovely ladies either gifted these items or gave them to me for an awesome discount so I could share them with you. What else can I disclose?… um… I never do a post about something I don’t like… ever. Oh and I cuss at my kids. Hope that covers all the bases. Blarg.
Natalee says
Yes, I have found friends through blogging as well.
Love it!
Georgia Beckman says
I absolutely have found friends in unexpected places.
Adrianne B says
Memphis was a great town for finding friends- everyone is very friendly and warm by nature!
JenniferB says
Yes I have found friends in unexpected places
Rosey says
Yes, online. I never thought you really could find friends on the Internet, but through blogging you surely can.
susan smoaks says
yes i found a friend at my husband’s work, i never expected that
Denise Donaldson says
yes I have found friends in unexpected places.
Donna kellogg says
Yes I have I have found friends in unexpected places especially online there have been some great friends I have never met
Laurie Emerson says
Yes, some of my best friends I have found in places like the library or even commissary
tim says
I can’t not find them all over lol
Deb S says
Yes, I have one of my old college professor’s wife and I have become very good friends.
Rachael E says
I’ve definitely found friends at random places. Waiting at restaurants, alone at concerts. Everywhere!
Shannon says
Great blog!!! I once made a mommy friend in the baby care aisle at CVS=) We were both making an emergency diaper run!!!
tanya devenney says
great blog and giveaway, found one of my good friends at a drs office
Aimee says
hi friend!
pattie cordova says
yes! I’ve made lots of friends online. Best thing ever.
Shelia S says
I have met friends in unexpected places. I have also found friendships when we found out we have people we know in common. It’s a small world indeed.
Amy Hoogstad says
Yes, through freelance work!
Sarah says
Not quite sure how to enter the giveaways. I think I’m entered! They all look great!
Sharon Garofalow says
I was surprised to find out that part of my favorite part of blogging is all the people I have met. That never even occurred to me when I started out. I’m so glad that true friends could reveal themselves to you in your time of need. I cherish this blogging experience and look forward to getting to know you better Kara! You have so much light to share with this world!
Nicole Newby says
We just moved to a really SKETCHY neighborhood… [it’s affordable] and we befriended 2 people who share our townhouse building with us!
Michele N says
I just made a friend in an unexpected place 2 nights ago. I travel for work and have an overnight stay at a resort town once a month. I usually grab dinner to go & take it back to the hotel but I decided to stay & ate my dinner at the bar, just before I was getting ready to leave some gals came in. They started talking about a television show that I love so I joined the conversation and stayed for a couple of more hours talking to them & helping the one gal celebrate her birthday.
Sarah Sperling says
Hey sister…hope I did this right!
Jen says
I love how God weaves the tapestry of our lives. It really is a small world. Love all of my social media friends, they’re awesome.
Lindsay says
Yes I’ve made friends in unexpected places. I am thankful for the new friendships motherhood has brought me! Having kids the same age is an instant connector!
Melanie Kaminski says
Yes! I’ve found friends through blogging too. It’s great!
Jennifer says
I love muchadoaboutyou planners
Karyn says
Love your blog!!!
Roxanne says
Seems my unexpected relationships are the best and strongest in my life! I love that.
And I love your new blog :))
Anna says
LOVE this giveaway, and not just because I covet the Much Ado planner. But I do. Covet. The. Planner.
Jenny says
Thanks for sharing the unexpected friendships through your blog. What a great reminder of unexpected friendships in my own life! Church & the gym have led to some great friendships. So thankful friendship has no age limits – love my dear friends who are in different stages of life.
Dinah says
Wow! Such great talent and all great prizes
Debby Sales Hames says
very enjoyable blog, thank you
Debbie Miller says
I sure have! It always seems the relationships that happen accidentally end up being the most important.
Christina says
I look forward to some more great craftiness!
CraftyHourMom says
I have indeed! I met my best friend (and now sister-in-law – my brother was there too!) at a youth retreat – would never have met her otherwise – different city, different church…
Shirlee says
Friends do come from unexpected places. AND, it helps that friends can communicate via blogs. It helps me stay in touch with those I might not otherwisw.
Cara Howard says
I’ve definitely made friends in unexpected places! And more-so, I’ve made friends in unexpected PEOPLE which is so awesome!!!
Cathy J says
I have definitely made friends in unexpected places!
Karen Watkins says
Congratulations on your blog!
Cathy says
i’ve found such sweet friends through church
Deana says
Yes! At Mommy & Me Classes!
Ledys says
I have found friends in unexpected places. My philosophy about friendship is to not be easily daunted when encountering something/someone new and always assume the best about people
Ledys says
Loved reading your words. Thank you!
Maureen Nokes says
I have learned so much about sewing through blogs!
judy revell says
great site, thanks for the chance to win
Linda Jenkins says
Wonderful blog.
Jodie says
I basically learned how to be a mom online. Too scared (read proud) to ask others, I would read blogs constantly from other moms sharing their experiences. I am friends with quite a few moms just from blog reading.
Monica says
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Diane Crane says
Thanks for the great contest! I might have to start my own blog… !
April says
Blogging is definitely the most interesting way I’ve found friends! Excited about your new blog! Thanks for the giveaway, KN!
Kathleen says
Thanks for the contest! I found you off The Train to Crazy. I love making new blog-friends!
Leanne says
Such lovely prizes
And it’s great meeting crafty friends online, God bless social media. Some of my best friends I met through talking online..
Justine says
I love the day planner! Actually I love it all!
Lynn Walder says
I’ve meet friends at therapy following surgery. It made my time there a bit more pleasant.
Lynn Walder says
Just found your blog. Hope to visit it often. I’ve been touch by friends I meet at therapy following surgery. But I’ve also found that most people are very friendly.
Joni says
Fun fun fun!!! I love new blogs, give-aways and creative new friends!
Angie Conner says
I love your blog!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the day planner!!!! I can keep my life organized and indulge on my crafy side
I have a friend who would love this also. Where can I get one?
Amy @ So There by Amy says
In the blog world!
Linsey K says
Is there any other place to find them?
Wendy Owen says
Yes I have, I live in Oklahoma and that is a friendly place so friends are all around