I had so much fun doing the Tribute to Betty Rose that I think I’m going to do a tribute every month (or so).
In honor of my mom’s Birthday today, she is the lucky tributee! She is also the star of Suzie Says so you’ll get to know a bit more why she is so incredibly awesome.
Things I love about my mom Suzie…
2. She was the Room Mother for my Kindergarten class and kept the job till I was in 6th grade!! In fact she fell head first into all my activities… Pioneer Girls, ballet, swim team, cheerleading, sorority, cake decorating class…
3. She never made me clean the toilet while living at home because she knew I would have to do it for the rest of my life… she was right!!
4. She adores my dad, who happens to be her high school sweetheart!
5. She made most of my clothes growing up. She is an amazing seamstress… but she’s never made a Lid… go figure!
6. She did crafts with me ALL the time growing up. I heart crafts and sewing because of her!
7. She respects our wishes not to spoil our kids with “stuff” (though I’m sure she would rather not), and she makes up for it by spoiling them with loves and kisses!
8. She can find the best deal on ANYTHING you need.
9. In between visits she collects things she thinks I’ll like, or that I’ll find interesting (newspaper articles, pictures from a magazine, note from a friend, sewing stuff…) and she puts them in an envelope with my initials on the front.
11. My tooth fairy left a trail of fairy dust (not glitter to a 7 year old!) from the window sill across the room to my pillow and in my hair!
12. She loves to buy scrapbooking stuff and take scrapbooking classes, but she has only scraped 3 pages.
13. She can pull off an awesome party with an hour’s notice.
14. Everybody she meets LOVES her! I’m not kidding… you can’t help but fall in love with her after talking to her for just a few moments.
15. She got her Bachelors Degree right after High School, got married, then worked cleaning houses to put my dad through school. Then she had me and has been a mom ever since!
16. She is compassionate and gracious to those in need. She takes in stray cats and teens to live with them till they get back on their paws or feet.
17. She made homemade meals every night and we always had dinner together as a family.
18. She made up her own chocolate chip cookie recipe and it is AWESOME!! Seriously, they are the best homemade cookies in the world. If you’re lucky maybe I’ll share it here one day.

19. She (and my cool dad too) took me to Williamsburg, VA for a huge tea party when Felicity, an American Girl doll, debuted.
20. She still can’t email and has trouble using her cell phone… this can get flustering… but overall it is kinda cute.
21. She thinks she is so funny… and don’t tell her but she really is pretty funny.
22. She is an adventurer. She (along with my dad) honeymooned for almost a month across Europe and the Middle East. Her favorite country on the trip… Jordan!
23. She supports me in all my hair-brained ideas i.e. Eli’s Lids.
24. My senior year in High School she had all my friends (sometimes 30 kids!) over every Tuesday for a Homemade lunch. This is something my friends still talk about today, 10 years later!
25. She is truly proud to me my mom, and Hot Hubby’s mother-in-law, and Nana to my kiddos.

Betty Palmer says
Oh Kara, I just re-read your tribute to your mom and I took time to read again the tribute to BettyRose, now my heart is so “full” of happy thoughts and love for our family. I miss Suzie so much. Each Wed. night at Bible study at my home, Suzie is always there. Some person will begain telling a story about how much she did to make them feel wonderful. She was such a Barnabas,as he encouraged others along his missionary journey. I praise the Lord for Suzie’s life, her love,her encouragement to me, yes, I was blessed!
Betty Palmer says
I just re-read your Tribute to Suzie. It really helps on my sad days. Just to remember her and all she would say and do. As I would leave her drive way to come home, she would always say “be careful on that left turn” and I would say” not going to” and we would both laugh and say” I love you”. Your tribute is great for me read again and again, thank you honey. Love you, Grandmommie.
Eli's Lids says
Thanks! I sure do miss her.
rocketgurl says
I love Suzie!! She sounds like a very special and wonderful person… I haven't even met her, but I just fell in love with her! By the way you speak of her, Wow! What a great mom and mother!
Aly says
I love my Aunt Suzie!!! She’s the best aunt I have!! I love to visit her! Wish we lived closer or else I’d probably be over there everyday!!! 🙂
Jason says
What an awesome tribute to your mom! Suzie ROCKS! (this is from Rachael, not Jason, though I’m sure he thinks your mom is cool, too)
cherimarie2 says
I’m have an opening for a second mom in my life. I’ll gladly let her fill such a demanding position. She sounds great!
Donna says
I love this! I love her tips too..the tuperware trick is super! By the way have you met Mrs. Fussy Pants…she Loves the Lord and is a kick….she makes me laugh in that silly, goofy sort of a way just like you!
Blessings- Donna
Anonymous says
I agree, Kara , your mom is wonderful and was so much fun to raise. Sorry I just have to take credit for “birthing” her. I’m sure the Lord had in His hands and still does, I was just along for the trip. We have so much fun.
Her Mom, Betty Rose