Eli – “Is there Christmas in heaven?”
Mommy – “Oh Eli, in heaven it’s like Christmas every day because we are actually with Jesus…”
(insert melodic music as I give an amazing Bible lesson about the awesomeness of heaven)
Eli – “So Santa and all his reindeer are dead!!”
Mommy – “Say what??”
Eli – “If there is Christmas in heaven, and you have to be dead to go to heaven, then Santa and all his reindeer must be dead.”
(my mind is racing: what was the original question?… oh yeah, Christmas in heaven… gee, he sure is smart to make those connections… funny how he added the reindeer into the mix… focus self!!…)
Mommy – “Santa isn’t dead.” (I know, not the best answer but I was thrown for a loop!)
Eli – “So, there is no Christmas in heaven?”
Mommy – “Not really…”
He was satisfied with that. But like most sensitive topics I’m glad I got a bit of a prequel before the bigger conversation. We do celebrate Christmas with Santa around here but we also have some pretty solid beliefs about the whole thing.
I’ll share in a couple of days, so get ready to share what you do on my next post!