Some folks are anti-bribe. That’s totally cool… for some folks. I’m totally down with the bribery. After Cy was born, Cora Jane started potty training and Eli started speech class (best South OC speech therapist ever… I’ll fill you in later).
There was a lot going on.
I trucked on down to the Poo Poo Present store (aka The Dollar Tree) and spent $60. As in 60 things. I put everything on the bench in our entry so the kiddos could admire the loot. Everyday Cora Jane was accident free, she got to pick from the bench and everyday Eli did his speech homework 3 times (he had to earn it), he got to pick from the bench. Before the stuff was gone they were solid in their new routines. It worked.
Here’s the way I look at bribery…
They worked to earn their bribe. Just like my husband works to earn his paycheck. The promise of something good to come is a part of life. Like working hard in school means getting good grades. Being kind and gracious means having genuine friendships. Do a big project at work means a bigger bonus. It’s not like I’m giving them presents for every little thing.
You know, like putting on their shoes.
I give them a skittle for that… and only if I’m in a hurry…
Any thoughts on bribes???