My friend Rachael told me about these cute paper ornaments. I couldn’t wait to try them out. They are super fun and easy to make. I added my own spin on them by changing the sizes, stacking them and finishing it off with a star.
I think it is cascading awesomeness!
The biggest ornament was made with the strips below. Double sided scrapbooking paper works the best. Otherwise you have a lot of white… I learned that the hard way!
Still working on our stapling skills…
Line up the other ends and watch the magic happen…
We are all sick (cough sniffle blow nose), so Hot Hubby stayed home from work. He was quite excited about “craft time.” Well, he was excited that he got to hang out with us and didn’t have to do much… he is just silly!
I had so many scraps, so I started making ornaments in different sizes… I used my hole punch and some thread (fishing line would have been way better, but we didn’t have any) to connect the ornaments in descending size order. We were thinking the pale pink would be really light and blend in with the walls… we probably could have made a better choice…
If you have some time you can really get creative with these. I really think you could probably create something worth keeping through the years… think, thick card stock…. gemstones… some wired ribbon… bows… and of course a coat of glitter! I have about a gazillion other ideas… but time is something I’ll probably have to wait 20 years to get!
rachael says
Of course your spin on my simple craft is way fun and much better. But alas, I do what I can 🙂 Glad you were inspired and glad you and the fam had fun times together! At least you made good use of “sick day” at home.
Leslae says
They’re cute. I will add this to my list of Christmas craft ideas that me and my kids can do next Christmas.
blueviolet says
I’m so glad you visited my blog today! I told you I’d come see yours too and here I am! I absolutely love these paper strip ornaments! I’m a scrapbooker so I have plenty of paper to work with. I can’t wait to get started on some of these! Thank you!
Patti says
I love it! I’ve been crafting a bit myself lately, and have lots of Christmas paper…but one can only make so many gift tags. I’m totally doing this one!
AuBien says
Thank you for stopping by my blog…I am so pumped to read more of yours! I was checking out the stockings and am inspired by your creativity! Outstanding! See you again soon.
TCC says
Totally love those!
Guess what we are going to do with the boys this weekend? Oh yes!