Everyone loves a good labor story.
Or a bad labor story.
At least I do!
Here is how it (or she) went down…
My due date was September 20th. But since all my babies have come really early or really late, I wasn’t counting on a due date baby. All I knew I wanted was an even number birth date… because all my kiddos were born on an even number. Ideally the 18th or the 20th because my others are 14, 16 & 22 so it would fill in the gaps.
OCD much?
The night of the 20th I started having some contractions. The kind you can’t sleep through. I got up at 2am (on the 21st, darn it!) and fished out What to Expect When You’re Expecting to see if I really was in labor.
Even though I’ve done this 3 times before, I wasn’t sure. The last thing I wanted to do was get all the kiddos to their respective babysitters then not really be in labor.
Darn logistics.
At 3am I realized it was the “real thing” and woke Hot Hubby up to start loading the car and waking the kiddos. Oh, and I did my hair.
The contractions were horrible.
After hearing horror stories of 4th babies coming on the front lawn and because my contractions were so flippin’ painful AND right on top of each other, I was convinced the baby was going to come on the way to the hospital.
Which if everything turns out great, is an awesome story to tell, BUT if it doesn’t then…
I don’t even want to think about it!
Finally we are on the road just after 4 in the morning and my husband stops at the first stoplight and I’m like, “I’m DYING. There is no one around. Just go!!”
We ran like 30 lights.
AND someone made a wrong turn on the way.
We get to the hospital and go into the wrong entrance… oops.
After a bit of trekking, complaining (on my part) and wheelchair swiping (on hot hubby’s part). We made it to the right floor (yes, floor) and checked in. It’s about 5am.
I just “know” I’m at 9 or 10 centimeters and if I don’t get to the room quick there will be a baby on the gross hospital floor.
They check me (ahem), and I’m 4 centimeters.
“You have got to be freaking kidding me!!!!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!”
I cried.
Then they took me to my room and checked me again.
6 centimeters in like 20 minutes.
I was a little more encouraged.
Then I closed my eyes and visualized blooming flowers and all the ridiculous things the tree huggers tell you to think about while my Hot Hubby whispered in my ear that “we will be holding our new baby soon.”
I looked like h-e double hockey sticks.
I didn’t do my make-up… big mistake considering all the pictures taken.
I was super quiet and kept thinking I was talking to my family (I have a lot of peeps in the room with me) but I wasn’t.
Looking back at pictures I got to see what my death vigil would look like…
(sis and cousin)
Then after only 2 hours in the hospital and 20 seconds of pushing I was indeed holding my sweet new baby.
Pretty surreal.
A girl – Tessa Pearl 8 lbs 15.3 oz.
(I just say 9 lbs, that’s OK right? The Dr said if she wouldn’t have pooed right after she came out she would have been at least 9…)
Tell me you have posted a birth story on your blog too!!
Leave the link to your birth post in the comments because I wanna read it.
I’m nursing all the time and I can’t type while I do it (yet) but I can read.
I’m wearing a BYOG from my beautiful-talented-in-real-life-friend Andrea. Check out the site.
Melissa antocicco says
Ok, so I just got to reading this and I have to say that you are right on track there with the not being sure thing! Glad you didn’t end up pushing as they were wheeling you to the delivery room. True story. My best friends third baby had her crying for an epidural as she was pushing out baby number three!!! I on the other hand went through twelve hours of labor with number one, pushing for two hours before I finally had to have a c-section due to his big head!!! It is all worth it in the end. Always glad to hear when the little ones arrive safely and healthy!!!
Eli's Lids says
Oh my gosh Melissa, 12 hours THEN a C-cection. Boo!! You would think there would be some consistency in birth because it’s the same general thing… but it differs sooo much!
Soni says
YAY! big congrats to you and the hubs on a baby girl…hows the other princess in the fam taking it? Wish we could be there to congratulate you in person…but all the best to you guys! PS – baby #4 due for us in April 🙂
Eli's Lids says
WHAT!!!!!!!! YAY for baby #4!! I’m so excited for you. How are you feeling?? Cora Jane is doing much better than I thought she would. Cy was having trouble at first but now he just wants to hug/kiss her ALL THE TIME.
Beverly {Flamingo Toes} says
Kara, I just loved meeting you and Tessa today!! I’m so glad (you both:) came to the SoCal Social!! I hope you had a great day! 🙂
Eli's Lids says
I had so much fun and I’m so glad Tess survived the day!! I can’t wait for the next one!
Melissa says
I too read the “Am I really in labor?” section in the closet in the middle of the night with my 2nd baby..LOL!! My water broke with my 1st so I had no idea if I was in real labor or not. I was and off we went to the hospital.
Kyla @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe says
I’m so glad you lived! And you looked gorgeous doing it.
Stephanie says
Those little feet! Gah so cute!
What a difference between labor and post delivery. Your face says it all – totally worth it 🙂
rachael says
Love it. Great post… and you maybe look a little pale, but beautiful nonetheless!
kristen huss says
Kara!!!! Congratulations!! She is just beautiful. 🙂 I am 5 days away from my due date now… so exciting!!
kk @ the mom diggity says
Love the birth story!! I’m so glad you didn’t deliver on your front lawn…however that would have made for a fantastic blog post 😉 We went in the wrong entrance when we got to the hospital to have Jessi and I had to walk like a mile to get to a door that was actually open. That was a blast. I love that your hubs got “lost” on the way too, it’s a good thing those husband figures are cute and give us cute babies huh?? 😉
Here’s Zoey’s birth story I just posted recently! http://themomdiggity.com/2011/09/the-birth-of-zoey-brooklyn/
Olivia says
OMG I laughed my ass off at this line: “Looking back at pictures I got to see what my death vigil would look like…” We all could sense your pain and discomfort and just didn’t know what to do!! Anyway, I’m proud of you and glad I could be there for ya!
Lynne says
I love reading birth stories! I’m really hoping that since my first was 5 hours, this one will be like 2.5! Just enough time to drop Ethan off and get to the hospital…. any day now! Here’s our story: http://riffenburghfamily.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-cant-believe-im-sitting-in-same.html
mel @ the larson lingo says
Wow, that was FAST! Lucky you! I love reading birth stories, thanks for sharing!
Here are the birth stories of my 2 girls!
Andie says
That is so awesome and Tessa Pearl has got to be the cutest name ever!! I love hearing birth stories too, so thanks for sharing. Here’s our #3 birth story. http://www.happyandersons.com/2010/01/how-our-9-minute-diva-made-her-entrance.html
Can’t wait to post about my #4 birth story, hopefully soon! 🙂
Nicole M says
you are so cute. I am soooo glad you posted your birth story, I love to hear it. Wow, 4th baby does come quick huh? She is so beautiful and I just love the name. PS. you crack me up girlfriend! Can’t wait to be neighbors soon.
Jen says
You rocked it like a champ beautiful and all. I totally cracked up when you said 4 cm. SAME HERE! Contractions on TOP of each other for 4 hours and 4 cm!!! I wish mine would have went that fast. Congratulations on another natural birth. You are super woman!
Abbey says
Hi Kara,
Welcome to your new little one. Here is a little reading material from my labor/delivery story. Not quite as easy as yours but still resulted in a totally awesome little baby whom I love to pieces! Happy reading/nursing, etc!