I love books.
I’ve always loved books.
Once, in Jr High, I saved my allowance money and purchased books for my littlest cousins for Christmas. And all my older cousins made fun of me because I gifted books. I’ll always remember being so confused, because books are the best gift. EVER. It’s like giving someone a whole new world, or perspective or experience… heck… maybe even a new skill! If you can read you can learn anything.
Day 15 in the House – I love this town
Anyhow, when we were looking at places to live in Texas I discovered Waxahachie on the interwebs and fell in love.
Then I clicked over to google maps to see where the closest library was located.
I typed “libraries” and nothing came up.
Oh well, I guess we can’t move there. (I was thinking.)
Then I realized libraries aren’t named “libraries,” they are singular… so I searched “library.”
And there was a beautiful library, smack-dab-in-the-middle of Waxahachie.
So we could move Hachie.
Grammar matters, folks.
The library is in the middle of the beautiful downtown area. I can’t believe places like this exist. I feel like I’m living in a show like Heart & Dixie.
And if the atmosphere wasn’t enough, we found a painted rock in the gazebo (yes, gazebo) in the front grass area. Painted on the back of the rock were the words “Rocks-a-Hachie on FB.” I clicked on over to the site and people in the city paint rocks, hide them around town, and then leave clues about where to find them in the FB group.
What the what!?!?!
Could that be any more fun and adorable?
I love this town.
We’ll be working on our rocks next week.
There was a bit of progress on the house. Tomorrow should be a big day though! They may finish the fireplace and back siding, get the kitchen plumbing re-routed, and finish the electricity in the kitchen. Cross your fingers and say a little prayer for more progress.
We finished out the night unpacking things in the barn, adding to the burn pile, and loving on “our” horse.
I love the work of this country life.
I still can’t believe it’s really our country life.
I’m looking forward to more chickens, a big garden, and painting rocks!
I think Cora Jane’s smile tonight echoes all my feelings.
erotik says
Now I am going to do my breakfast, once having my breakfast coming yet again to read more news. Norrie Cordie Lapotin