Linking up with Life Rearranged’s InstaFriday. Post your cell phone photos and link up too!
Me at 36 weeks! Has this pregnancy flown by or what! (I’m now 37)
Cupcakes with gummy worms and an awesome BBQ with our most tattooed friends!
Discovered Dragonfly Shops and Gardens and their Fairy Garden Class!
Reason #749 why Dads are funner than moms: Vacuum Dragon Crossbow Launcher!
Car ride.
Eli had his 5th VBS of the Summer (yep, 5!!) over at Kingsfield and I think it was his favorite.
Cora Jane and I had girls day everyday.
This little gal is RAD!
Tip: When letting your 3-year-old paint your nails, clear sparkles is the only option!
The whole fam-damily doing P90X together! (Mom – Notice CJ is holding “babydoll” just like Hot Hubby is holding Cy!)
My 4 slot toaster is halfway broken.
The morning 8 slices of toast takes FOR-EVAH!
It’s the simple things that can throw me over the edge.
If you’ve hung out with me for more than 5 minutes, you know I have a strange obsession with Sam’s Club.
It’s odd.
I’ll admit it.
Where else can you find a life-size pinata!!
Our last trip was in during the So Cal heat wave. I plopped my preggo self in every freezer I could find.
My sis gave me a doughnut cake pan and it is awesome! I made it for one of my bestie’s bdays at Lazy Dog Cafe. It was delish.
Monday Eli’s Lids was on BabySteals!
We sold out of almost all the colors but there are still some available at the Steal price in their archives!
If you have kiddos (or grandkiddos) you have to check out the BabySteals daily deal site and fan them on Facebook. They have great deals (aka steals) and an awesome Facebook Mom community!
The End!
Happy weekend!
friends in south carolina says
Love your Friday recaps of your week! 🙂
Eli's Lids says
It’s so fun! I never realized how many pix I take on my phone. And it helps me to remember the small things AND how FAST the weeks go.
Nicole says
Congrats on being super close to having that sweet baby!
Eli's Lids says
Thanks!! I’m super excited to know the gender… in fact I’m dying to know.
Eli's Lids says
Just saw your shop but I can’t comment on your blog because I have a web hosted blog. I’m going to tweet about it right now 🙂 @elislids
Cindy Morris says
great pictures!! and so happy your almost there in the pregnancy!!! luv your blog!!!
Eli's Lids says
Thanks Cindy! I’m soooo happy to be almost there too! I’m so itching to discover the gender. Eeeek!!