My mom has this lil’ book from her mom. The copyright is 1938 a year before World War II started in Europe. I was thumbing through the beautiful artwork yesterday and came across this prayer about war…
O God, we have been thinking about wars,
And what happens when there are wars.
People are sad:
Fathers are gone away;
The trees look as if they had been struck by lightning:
Children and grown people are hungry and sick.
It makes us wish that instead of war, where people try to kill one another, we could all be happy, and parades would all be gay, peace-time parades.
And fathers could be at home;
And soldiers would be used
To build up schools
And community halls and hospitals,
And to plant trees,
And to protect the weaker folk around them,
And to help when floods and earthquakes
And accidents come.
Make all people wish this wish, and never
Want more wars, O God.
-Jeanette Perkins Brown
Thank you to all the men and women who have died for our freedom and to their families for living bravely on!
Whenever we see a soldier in uniform I go out of my way to thank them for joining the military and how proud our family is of them. Honestly, it can be a little embarrassing to go up to a stranger, but I think it probably means more to them than I’ll ever know!
(I’m thinking we’ll resurrect these beauties before 4th of July!! Let me know if you are interested in one.)
Betty Palmer says
I can not imagine my mother was able to keep this little book, I was six at that time. We moved so many time during WarII. I’m pleased you now have it. Thank you for printing the poem. It gives us reason to think of others who help keep us free.
To acknowledge out gratitude to our service persons that we meet during our outings, we can pat our heart and extend out arm toward the service person and they know what we are saying. It’s a easy way ot say “thank you”.
Eli's Lids says
Melissa says
This is absolutely beautiful. It needs to be shared because there is some powerful truth in it.
FYI we used 4 movie tickets this weekend and had a lot of fun! Thanks!
Eli's Lids says
It’s an interesting perspective. Much later than WWI and before the terrors of WWII. I think it would have been different if it was written during atime of war instead of peace.
Yay about the movie! I think we are going this Saturday. The next giveaway is for unlimited tickets. Enter today!!
maureen says
Love it and love the short, def. want one for the 4th!! 🙂
maureen says
sorry…meant to say shirt!!
Eli's Lids says
LOL! Glad you didn’t mean the other ‘sh’ word! (hehehe)
Loved seeing you last night!