Has it been a week???
Cy was sick then I was sick. And if your house is like mine, you know the world stops when mommy is ill.
Before all the illnesses hit we had a family Date Night at Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor. We should have known something was coming when Cy refused to eat ice cream! Our sundae was a hit but Cora Jane thought the birthday songs were too loud…
Summer shoes… check!
Just happened to go to Old Navy on their $1 flip flop sale. I’ve never gotten them before but I couldn’t be happier with the fit. Got 3 for me and 2 pairs for each of the kiddos. I’m thinking the $1 sale will be a new summer tradition!
When Cy’s fever hit, it hit hard. His highest was 104.1! Our happy baby was a grump. We were up most of the night with the lil’ buggar. All my kiddos have REALLY high fevers while teething. Is that normal??
Eli likes his hair long (like Samson) and I keep trying to get that long flippy surfer boy look… but it mostly ends up looking like trailer trash. We were so surprised when he announced he wanted to cut his hair!
Listening to scripture time before bed is rad!
McCafe + cupcake + park = our once a week routine
Storytime at the libray = another weekly routine
I like routines.
Kitchen counter.
If you haven’t seen the new In-N-Out Burger onsies, you need to! Cute overload.
Runny nose, watery eyes, tired and cranky. I think the tired and cranky might be from the fetus. Either way, the green tea has been a flowin’ and the messy house is a growin’.
I’ve mentioned my fetus is lazy and non moving (boy?). At my monthly appointment I become a nervous wreck thinking they won’t find a heartbeat. My mind goes down a slippery slope of thoughts about infant loss. And it makes me cry. Irrational, I know. But I think I’ll start scheduling my appointments for earlier in the day to keep my crazy thoughts at bay.
Happy InstaFriday and join in over at Life Rearranged!