This almost-autumn weather is perfect for wearing a Lid during the morning errands…
and for…
…in the afternoon… ZZzzzzzzz…
Walking with Dinosaurs
We had A-MAZ-ING seats, about 4 rows from the front. The kiddos were mesmerized …
Can you blame them? Look at the stage! GIANT dinos, and plants that grow before your eyes. (I colored the flowers. We took over 100 pix and didn’t get any of the flowers!)
Cyrus even gave the show a thumbs up in his sleep.
Though I guess it doesn’t take much to “mesmerize” my kiddos…
If you want an AWESOME night out with the family and guaranteed smooches from your kiddos check out the show. Walking with Dinosaurs will be at the Honda Center till September 9th and then over at the Staples Center from the 9th till the 12th.
On the way out it was just the right amount of chilly for a Lid!
Criminal warning from my Grandmom…
My grandparents have a cabin up in the beautiful So Cal mountains. It’s awesome!
Last year some idiot tried to break into the cabin by ripping off a window frame. Since then she has installed security alarms AND a warning written on the windows…
“Hell has no wrath like a Grandmom protecting her cabin!” ~Kara-Noel
More Wordless Wednesday fun check out Angry Julie Wednesday.
Parenting advice Vlog
Have you seen the Vloggersations at OC Family? They are great and I’m in some of them!
This one is from about 2 months ago. We are giving parenting advice to Jen who is about to have her first baby. The vloggersation is a compilation of a few of us OC Family bloggers. If you only want to see me (Mom) my advice is at 39 seconds, 2:34, 3:19 & 5:30 and Jen says something nice about me at 4:30 (mom, you’ll want to hear it). It has to do with being an only child. (TIME Magazine just did a great write up about only children too!)
And if you don’t feel like clicking over, you can watch my uncut version below. WARNING: I talk about boobs and ugly babies.
Your turn…
What is the best/worst parenting advice you have received or given?
Sewing saves lives
We have a little lady at home.
She’s pretty cool…
She falls asleep anywhere, and she dances to the rhythm of her own lil’ drummer…
She’s a girly girl and we treat her like… well… a princess. One with strict rules and boundaries… of course… lol!
She doesn’t know about slavery, hunger, strife or poverty. (We live in Orange County for goodness sake!) Unfortunately for little girls around the world bondage is a reality.
I was introduced to International Princess Project years ago while on staff at a local church. The organization is amazing and they are ACTUALLY making a difference in the lives of women in India though sewing. (Because sewing rules and you should totally start.)
Women who are rescued from brothels need some sort of occupation… Enter International PrincessTM Project. The women are trained to make some pretty kick a&$ stuff:
International PrincessTM Project has their 3rd annual Gala fundraiser coming up on September 25th at the Shorebreak Hotel in Huntington Beach. (Get tickets here.)
Don’t feel like changing out of your PJs? Buy some Punjammies at the International Princess Project shop!!!
Don’t need PJs? Just donate some cash-o-la here.
“Because every woman on earth deserves to be treated like a princess.”
~International PrincessTM Project
Wordless Wednesday – Disgruntled…
But isn’t his Trucker Lid adorable??
(more wordless Wednesday head on over to Angry Julie and 5 minutes for mom)
I got a full tummy, stumped on YouTube & Jillian…
This week I’m combining our “I got it at…” carnival with a Not Me! Monday carnival! (Instead of sharing what I “got,” I’m sharing what I didn’t get… get it?… LOL!!)
Because more is better… especially when it comes to eating.
I didn’t eat 2 baskets of ribs all by myself over at Newport Rib company when I was 7 months preggers.
Nope, not me!
Hot Hubby and I didn’t stuff our faces then make the lamest “full tummy” joke ever pointing out my large belly to the waitress.
I’m not totally stumped by this awesome video from my favorite band.
And, I surely have never thought about how odd looking the lead singer is!!
I haven’t wasted my time on FB watching this deviously hysterical break-up video my hysterical cousin posted. (Where do you find these Elle!?!)
I didn’t just bid on the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred on ebay then watch the ticker count down for the last 20 minutes of the auction while nursing Cy.
And my living room most definitely does NOT look like this at this exact moment…
~Want to join in the “Not Me!” fun head on over to McMama.
~If you got something fun and blogged about it this week add to our “I got it at…” carnival…
How to clean toys…
…the lazy way!!
I’m sure I don’t clean the kiddos’ toys as much as I should but after they are really sick everything gets a once over.
Plop toys in a pillowcase then washer and dry with your regular wash.
This has worked great for me. I’ve even put some with talking electronic stuff in and it has turned out ok… but I wouldn’t risk it if it is a favorite toy.
Baby plastic toys can be washed in the top rack of the dish washer!
Why do I like clean toys…?
How do you clean toys??
Pirate School
Our pirate has been attending Pirate School every night (aka VBS).
He’s learning a lot and inspiring a tee shirt line for the pirate in all of us!
We are also getting more than excited for the Tall Ships Festival in Dana Point September 10-12th at the Ocean Institute. You should come, we’ll hang out!!
…I’m probably sitting on our red couch nursing the little leech Cyrus.
Any tips for cradle cap and REALLY dry skin on baby eyebrows?? My friend Ciaran gave me a Bean B Clean brush and it works great for getting off the lose flakes but I want to prevent the dryness…
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