The rumors are true.
I love going on unique dates with my sweetie.
I mean, we do enjoy a good movie from time to time, but more often we like going to live events… you know, so you can interact with each other.
The Discovery Cube had the first (of many, we hope) “after dark” events for their Sherlock Holmes exhibit. It was awesome.
Like so awesome!!!
The Sherlock Holmes exhibit runs till September 7th. Try to go if you can!
I would say this exhibit is for older kids (Middle School – adult), or your budding CSI investigator.
Guests start with a passport-like booklet in the exhibit entry. As you learn basic crime solving skills you get to punch strategic holes in your passport and it reveals a secret message!
(I love this kind of stuff!!)
Then you are sent to Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes’ apartment. At Cube After Dark, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were actually there.
The Cube had a bunch of Sherlockians (it’s a thing) there all dressed up in Sherlock era clothing and completely in character.
Also epic.
Then you get to observe a Sherlock-esque crime scene.
(Maybe it’s actually from one of the books… not sure on that one… it was all new to me.)
The rest of the exhibit you test different theories and make your guess about different aspects of the the crime and record them in your passport book.
You can walk back to the crime scene anytime to compare the data you learn in the experiments.
I never solved the crime because I ended up chatting with my friends more… but I can now recognize whether a bust statue was broken by a gunshot or by falling off a pedestal. I’m not saying that information is useful… but I am saying I can do it.
Like a boss.
Since this was a Cube After Dark they did the science of making cocktails – Mixology.
Yes folks, there is some science when you are mixing cocktails… you are making a solution!
And just to be clear, I don’t mean cocktails are a solution to your problems… strictly talking chemistry.
The Mixologists made two signature cocktails.
One was sweet and one was strong. That’s all I remember.
After hanging with your honey talking with your friends solving the crime, you get to see all sorts of Sherlock Holmes stuff – from the movies and the show.
If you can get there before the 7th, tickets are only $5! (On top of the general admission price. Details here.) And just for funnies The Cube is giving away an Apple iPad Mini every 14 days through 9/7/2015. Find more about that here.
It was so cool to walk around The Cube and watch adults experience all the hands-on exhibits!
Do you have a Sherlockian in your life??
How about some amazing Sherlock Holmes quotes you can slip in their lunch bag? These are great to let your older child know you care without embarrassing them… I mean, what high schooler wouldn’t love a little Sherlock Holmes quote tucked in their lunch sack. Ha ha ha ha!
Well, I would have thought it was cool. #NerdAlert
Click here or on the image below to download the pdf.
It was tough to pick my favorite Sherlock Holmes quotes because he has quite a few zingers.
But it was easy to pick my favorite! (It’s the last quote in the yellow box.)
I wholeheartedly agree with you Mr Holmes!
Can you believe I finally figured out how to blog on my mac!?!? Yay! One thing though: If you are reading this on your phone some of the pictures are sideways. This is very flustering and I’m looking for a solution that isn’t super time consuming. Hang tight!
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