These short 5 verses that make up Psalms 100, embody joy and thanksgiving to me. Which is probably why it’s been read for a thousand years for Jewish worship services (“Shacharit”).
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Psalms 100
I was reminded this week that God came for everyone.
He has been faithful through all generations.
He certainly has been faithful to me.
This Friday will be a year since my mom passed away. I can’t believe I have a whole year of memories without her in them.
How is that even possible, when she feels so present to me everyday?
And so far away.
Worship is loud, being filled with gladness, joyful, singing, knowing the lord is God.
Worship is remembering where we are from, that we were created, and we are His.
Worship is being thankful, walking toward God, and respecting His name.
Worship is holding on to His goodness and love, which lasts forever.
Worship is believing that God will be faithful to my children, my great-grandchildren and my great-great-grandchildren…
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