Last night we were invited to the grand opening of Discovery Science Center’s STAR WARS: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit.
It was awesome.
Like a must see for Star Wars fans.
The kiddos were a little excited…
In case you were wondering, I did stop off at Old Navy on the way so the kiddos would have Star Wars Tees…
We got to see life size characters and LOADS of artifacts from the movies. Each display had a written explanation along with phone-like audio commentary gadgets…
The exhibit was very interactive with a drivable hover craft and robots you can build and program to move. Both were a hit! (FYI – you have to be 5 years old and a certain height – it looked around 48” – to ride the hover craft. You might need to pre prep little ones who won’t be able to ride.)
Outside there is a full-size replica of the cockpit of the Star Wars IV’s Millennium Falcon. (Think Star Tours Light). You get to see some pretty amazing real life pictures of our own galaxy.
Click here to read an overview of the whole STAR WARS: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit!
Tickets are $24.95 adults (15-59), $20.95 for seniors (60+), and $20.95 children (3-14). ($14.95/12.95 for the general admission and only an additional $10/8 for the exhibit!) Advance ticket reservations are recommended. For more information or to reserve tickets, visit or call 714-513-CUBE. (Members can purchase exhibition tickets at a special rate of $8.00 for adults, seniors and children. There is also special field trip & group pricing!!
How do you like this family pic?)
Eli was so nervous to stand with the Storm Troopers… I’m wondering if he thinks Star Wars is real. Eeeek!