Last night Suz over at Alive in Wonderland organized BlogCrush (an OC blogger meet up) and of course we chatted about Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter (if you watch The Soup you get that joke).
I LOVE Twitter.
Admittedly, when I first joined I thought it was lame. But it has quickly become a intricate part of Eli’s Lids. Networking with businesses and getting opinions & support from other moms…. they should totally call it Social Networking (I think I’m so funny… so sad).
When a fellow tweep follows me I usually follow back unless…
The Reasons I WON’T Follow YOU on Twitter…
- Your profile page doesn’t have a picture (or company logo), bio or location. Things don’t have to be fancy but I would like to know a bit about the person I’m tweeting with. I understand the benefit of ambiguity and I don’t mind if it is just a state or county, but “everywhere,” that’s just lame!
- Your picture has boobs. I have my own, thank you!
- There isn’t a link to a blog or a company website. Why is this kind of person on twitter??
- There are no @replies in the tweets. Even Ashton Kutcher interacts with other tweeps.
- Your tweets promise that I can make $4,000 a month at home (or on a beach somewhere) by not doing anything.
- Every tweet is is trying to sell, promote or push your product/service on your followers.
- You follow 1,234 people and only 6 people follow you or you have zero updates. Huh?
- You are trying to get 3,000 followers by midnight PST.
- We have absolutely nothing and I mean NOTHING in common. Doesn’t happen often but that paranormal romance writer who dabbles in Wicca and S&M was just a bit much.
- Your tweets are lame. Not really…I just couldn’t leave the list at #9.
In case you were wondering, this tasty margarita flavored cupcake will have you planning a Cinco De Mayo party on Cinco De Juno. Dreamed up by Meringue Bake Shop… someone I do follow on Twitter (meringuebkeshp)!!
What are some of the reasons you don’t follow?
rachael says
I don’t follow you on Twitter cuz I’m not on there. Maybe one day when I have my own business 🙂 Enough BUSYness for now for me. But funny about the Margarita Cupcake. And the Cinco de JUNIO (need that extra I in there 😉
Just Spotted says
so sad i couldn't make it… hopefully next time! & i don't follow if you never update. quick twitter question – what's your favorite app or tool to manage your twitter. i'm trying to figure out the best way to stay in touch with everyone i want to. make sense?
Undercover-Princess says
I don’t follow those that tell me how they lost nine pounds in two minutes and then post a link.
Suz Broughton says
Am I like the worst blog friend ever? Sorry I haven’t come by until now. It was so fun to meet you in real life. I hope next BlogCrush we can spend a little more time talking.
traceyclark says
hey, it was really great to meet you at blogcrush! looking forward to doing it again soon. awesome cupcakes, huh?
please follow me @traceyclark cuz I’m trying to get 3,000 by midnight. doh!
thedomesticfringe says
I was having a bad day last week and then I got an email notice saying that ‘a black cloud’ was now following me on Twitter. I was aghast! It couldn’t be true. Sure enough, I’ve got that black cloud following.
Those cupcakes look YUMMO!
Donna ~Blessed Nest says
About the same as you unless I feel super nice I might follow someone without a link to a site but has good tweets? UMMM….I do follow people I have nothing in common with like cheezy marketing people…haha
They are just boring but non-offensive.
Yeh no boobs, I have plenty and may even block some.
Elaina M. Avalos says
Definitely the same reasons as me. I do know some people who are on Twitter for purely personal reasons…keeping up with friends, etc. They’re not really in it to network outside of their known group of friends. A few of those friends of mine don’t have blogs/websites. So, I definitely don’t have a problem with that. But then again, I know those people personally. But otherwise, I am right there with you on your list.
Great meeting you last night!!
Angry Julie Monday says
Yea. I’ve been checking my followers lately and blocking the freaks!
Nice meeting you..makes me want another cupcake!
Twenty Four At Heart says
I think I’m right there w/you on your list … although the boob thing never crossed my mind. I mean, if it looks like a porn site/person …. I wouldn’t.
Loved meeting you last night!